Diskussion:ISO TC 215 - ISO TS 13582
Excerpt from Email discussions
Telco discussions
20100428: Ted Klein, Sylvia Thun, Kai Heitmann
- Discussed OID categories, reflected now in the correspondig sections of the document.
20100430: Ted Klein, Kai Heitmann
- Will set up wiki access for Ted Klein, John Larmouth, Olivier Dubuisson. Sylvia and Kai already have access. This allows collaborate editing.
- Kai apologizes for having this in a German environment. But he makes use of several Wiki-Templates. Can move later to another place, but for now it remains here.
- Discussed: classes of the communication model
- ThisOIDregistry
- gets a desc
- card 1..* for organization
- card 1..* for OID
- card 1..1 for registrationAuthority
- RegistrationAuthority
- delete validTime
- card 0..1 for person
- ResponsibleAuthority
- make clear def, it is resp for the object identified, not for the OID itself
- SubmittingAuthority
- card 1..1 for person
- Person
- gets a coded roleCode
- Description
- constraint: at least one Description with lanuguage code EN (english)
- discussed required subsections like "versioning" or "intellectual properties" as part of the desc. TBD more
- Link
- merged with Reference class - rationale: Link links to objects with different semantics, Reference links to things with same semantics (see description)
- HistoryAnnotation
- kind of log book, records the changes (of anything associated with this OID) over time
- Reference
- merged with Link class
- get's type of "link" coded as linkType
- ThisOIDregistry
20100503: Ted Klein, Kai Heitmann
- OID class
- symbolicName: use next symbolicName also Secondary Arc Identifier
- add title, i.e. the unrestricted name / title / very short description of the OID
- add a sort key as ST 0..1 O or 1..1 M to provide a sorting mechanism. In HL7 reg it is mandatory, and we should seek for defaulting the sort key. Decision: make mandatory (with default suggestions).
- creationDate has to be 1..1 M, it is now: the date of entry of the OID in the registry
- applicationDate can be dropped, any information around application goes to HistoryAnnotation
- association submittingAuthority should be 1..*, it should be possible to indicate primary, secondary, on behalf of submitters. This is reflected in RoleStatus (in several classes) which should be RoleType.
- lastModifiedDate: drop, goed to HistoryAnnotation
- realm: drop, should be an AdditionalProperty instance
- RoleStatus = RoleType
- should cover primary, secondary, on behalf of, contact person
- V2 AssigingAuthority (HL7 v2 HD data type), is missing or not. TDB how to support this if at all.
- Permissions discussed:
- authoritative vs non-authoritative answers (source of truth); for OIDs for which the reporting registry is the registring authority, it may answer authoritative
- HL7: see vs updating vs creating an entry
- meta control information: OID property dependent of classes of the OID
- actually this is part of the maintanance NWIP and a business need of a registry, but it is not communicated
- Discussed: OIDcategory
- Discussed: ObjectType
- It would be nice to have a reference installation based on publicly available SQL server with web interface. --K. Heitmann 13:07, 3. Mai 2010 (UTC)
Gathered through the first (internal = DE, AT, and CH) ballot rounds. Sorry for the German. Additional comments from ISO NWIP proces.