EFA XDS Folder Metadata Binding

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Folder Metadata

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Instances of the partitionInfo ECR PIM Class are shared through XD* transactions and within XDS folder metadata. The following table shows the respective binding of the partitionInfo subelements to IHE XDS Folder ebRS metadata slots/elements.

partitionInfo IHE XDS Folder Metadata Comments
partitionID XDSFolder.uniqueID see IHE ITI TF Vol3 section for details
title XDSFolder.title see IHE ITI TF Vol3 section for details on the encoding of folder titles. ECR partition (XDS folder) titles SHALL NOT contain the name of the patient.
classification (purpose) XDSFolder.codeList see additional profiling for eCR purpose codes below
time.startTime - This eCR partitionInfo element cannot be mapped to IHE XDS Folder Metadata. Client-side implementations of the partitionInfo data structure SHALL allow for NULL-Values for this element.
time.endTime XDSFolder.lastUpdateTime As this element is mainly used for sorting partitions, the last update time of the corresponding folder is considered a good indicator for this purpose.
organization XDSFolder.comments This eCR partitionInfo element cannot be mapped to "regular" IHE XDS Folder Metadata. Client-side implementations of the partitionInfo data structure SHALL allow for NULL-Values for this element.
anchor XDSFolder.codeList The creator of a XDS folder may add further classifications to the corresponding eCR partition. Beside the purpose-clasification, eCR participants SHALL NOT process classifications that were defined by other participants.

Folder metadata which are not profiled in the table MUST be used as defined in table 4.1-7 of [IHE ITI TF Vol3 v9.0]. Further constraints MAY apply for EFA national profiles.


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Through a coded value in the XDS filder codeList attribute, an XDS Folder SHALL be marked as part of an eCR. The respective coded value SHALL contain either the EFA-Folder classification code (code="ECR", codeSystem="") or the EFA-Mount-Point classification code (code="ECR-mountpoint", codeSystem="").

An second coded value in the XDS folder codeList attribute SHALL signal the purpose of the case record. Only codes from the code system SHALL be used.


    <rim:Slot name="codingScheme">
        <rim:LocalizedString xml:lang="de" charset="UTF-8" value="Elektronische Fallakte"/>

    <rim:Slot name="codingScheme">
        <rim:LocalizedString xml:lang="de" charset="UTF-8" value="Connectathon 2016 Sinusitis Demo"/>