EFA XDS Document Metadata Binding

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For each document the following set of metadata MUST be provided:

Slot Name Binding Slot Value
Id Attribute Identifer of the document. This identifier MUST be the same for <rim:ExtrinsicObject/@id> and <ihe:Document/@id>.
mimeType Attribute
objectType Attribute MUST be set acc. to section of [IHE IT TF 3]
Status Attribute MUST be "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:StatusType:Approved"
creationTime rim:Slot MUST be set to the document creation time. At least YYYYMMDD MUST be provided.
languageCode rim:Slot
sourcePatientID rim:Slot MUST be of the same value as $XDSDocumentEntry.PatientId (see below)
healthcareFacilityTypeCode Classification
practiceSettingCode classification
confidentialityCode classification SHOULD always be set to “N”.
XDSDocumentClassCode classification
XDSDocumentFormatCode classification
XDSDocumentEntry.PatientId External identifier Equals to the patient identifier that was agreed on upon EFA instantiation (encoded as HL7 v3 II data type)
XDSDocument.UniqueId External identifier MUST refer to the OID of the document that is included within the <ihe:Document> element.

Other metadata than the ones listed above SHOULD NOT be used and MUST NOT be processed by EFA clients and providers.

German Profile

For EFA implementation within the German healthcare system the following constraints and conventions apply:

  • healthcareFacilityTypeCode MUST use the respective Value Set defined by gematik