Segment ZU7 (HL7 UK)

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ZU7 (HL7 United Kingdom): UK Additional Data - Birth

Spezifikation der HL7-Anwendergruppe UK

aus dem Dokument "Standard for Use of HL7 Version 2 in the UK"
"Appendix A - Z-Messages, Segments and Fields"
Stand April 2010
Version A 3


Seq Len Datentyp r/o/c Rep# Tabelle Item# Element Name Kommentar
1 - - Not Used
2 CE O Live or Still Birth Code
3 NM O Birth Weight.
4 - - Not Used
5 CE O Resuscitation Method
6 NM O Gestation Length at Onset of Labour (weeks)
7 NM O Number of births this confinement
8 ID O Suspected Congenital Anomaly
9 NM O Birth Order