Segment ZU2 (HL7 UK)

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ZU2 (HL7 United Kingdom): UK Augmentes care

Spezifikation der HL7-Anwendergruppe UK

aus dem Dokument "Standard for Use of HL7 Version 2 in the UK"
"Appendix A - Z-Messages, Segments and Fields"
Stand April 2010
Version A 3


Seq Len Datentyp r/o/c Rep# Tabelle Item# Element Name Kommentar
1 TS R Augmented Care start date
2 CE R AC care period source
3 NM R AC Intensive care level days.
4 NM R AC High dependency Care level days
5 PL R AC location
6 NM R AC No. of Organ Systems supported
7 CE R AC Specialty Function Code
8 ID R AC planning indicator
9 CE R AC Outcome indicator
10 CE R AC Period Disposal
11 DT C AC End Date