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Value Set Name Value Set Id Version / Eingangsdatum Status
ActInvoiceOverrideCode 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.17590 2012-07-24 definitiv
Level/Typ Code Anzeigename Kodesystem
1-L COVGE coverage problem ActCode
1-L EFORM electronic form to follow ActCode
1-L FAX fax to follow ActCode
1-L GFTH good faith indicator ActCode
1-L LATE late invoice ActCode
1-L MANUAL manual review ActCode
1-L OOJ out of jurisdiction ActCode
1-L ORTHO orthodontic service ActCode
1-L PAPER paper documentation to follow ActCode
1-L PIE public insurance exhausted ActCode
1-L PYRDELAY delayed by a previous payor ActCode
1-L REFNR referral not required ActCode
1-L REPSERV repeated service ActCode
1-L UNRELAT unrelated service ActCode
1-L VERBAUTH verbal authorization ActCode