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Codesystem Name Codesystem Id Version / Eingangsdatum Status
EntityDeterminer 2.16.840.1.113883.5.30 2012-07-24 definitiv
Level/Typ Code Anzeigename Beschreibung
0-L KIND (en-US) described

Description:A determiner that specifies that the Entity object represents a universal, kind or class of physical thing (as opposed to a particular thing).

0-L INSTANCE (en-US) specific

Description:A determiner that specifies that the Entity object represents a particular physical thing (as opposed to a universal, kind, or class of physical thing). Discussion: It does not matter whether an INSTANCE still exists as a whole at the point in time (or process) when we mention it, for example, a drug product lot is an INSTANCE even though it has been portioned out for retail purpose.