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Kodesystem ActRelationshipCheckpoint

Aktuelle Version

Codesystem Name Codesystem Id Version / Eingangsdatum Status
ActRelationshipCheckpoint 2.16.840.1.113883.5.10 2012-07-24 definitiv
Level/Typ Code Anzeigename Beschreibung
0-L S EN-US.png entry

Condition is tested once before the service is executed (IF condition THEN service).

0-L B EN-US.png beginning

Condition is tested every time before execution of the service (WHILE condition DO service).

0-L E EN-US.png end

Condition is tested at the end of a repeated service execution. The service is repeated only if the condition is true (DO service WHILE condition).

0-L T EN-US.png through

Condition must be true throughout the execution and the service is interrupted (asynchronously) as soon as the condition turns false (asynchronous WHILE loop). The service must be interruptible.

0-L X EN-US.png exit

Condition is a loop checkpoint, i.e. it is a step of an activity plan and, if negative causes the containing loop to exit.

Verwendung in Value Sets

Zusammenstellung aller Versionen dieses Kodesystems

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