Item | DT | Card | Conf | Description | Label |
| | 1 … 1 | M | | PaLM Suppl. APSR 2.0‑3: ICD‑O‑3 |
 | @classCode
| cs | 0 … 1 | F | OBS |
 | @moodCode
| cs | 1 … 1 | F | EVN |
 | hl7:templateId
| II | 1 … 1 | M | | PaLM Suppl. APSR 2.0‑3: ICD‑O‑3 |
 |  | @root
| uid | 1 … 1 | F | |
 | hl7:id
| II | 0 … 1 | R | | PaLM Suppl. APSR 2.0‑3: ICD‑O‑3 |
 | hl7:code
| CD CWE | 1 … 1 | M | | PaLM Suppl. APSR 2.0‑3: ICD‑O‑3 |
| CONF | @code shall be "59847-4" | @codeSystem shall be "2.16.840.1.113883.6.1" | @displayName shall be "Histology and behavior ICD-O-3" | @codeSystemName shall be "LOINC" | or | @code shall be "397005006" | @codeSystem shall be "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" | @displayName shall be "WHO tumor classification (observable entity)" | @codeSystemName shall be "SNOMED-CT" |
 | hl7:originalText
| ED | 0 … 1 | R | Original text of the Morphology code with supporting Differentiation code: e.g. 8500/31 | PaLM Suppl. APSR 2.0‑3: ICD‑O‑3 |
| Example | for use case #1 <text>8500/31</text> |
 | hl7:statusCode
| CS CNE | 1 … 1 | R | | PaLM Suppl. APSR 2.0‑3: ICD‑O‑3 |
| Constraint | The observation statusCode is “completed” if the observation was actually performed and has produced a result in the value element. In other cases the status of the intended observation is “aborted” and the result will never come.
| CONF | The value of @code shall be drawn from value set 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.15933 ActStatus (DYNAMIC) |
 | hl7:effectiveTime
| IVL_TS | 0 … 1 | R | | PaLM Suppl. APSR 2.0‑3: ICD‑O‑3 |
 | hl7:value
| CD | 1 … 1 | R | Morphology axis code. A complete code consists of 6 digits (for morphology, behavior and grading), the latter both separated by "/" after the 4th digit in morphology.
Behavior and differentiation are coded as sub-observations | PaLM Suppl. APSR 2.0‑3: ICD‑O‑3 |
| CONF | The value of @code shall be drawn from value set ICD-O-3 Morphology and Behavior (DYNAMIC) |
| Example | for use case #1: invasive breast cancer, NST, well differentiated <value xsi:type="CD" code="8500/3" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.43.1"/> |
 | hl7:author
| | 0 … 1 | C | Contains CDA author IHE (DYNAMIC) | PaLM Suppl. APSR 2.0‑3: ICD‑O‑3 |
Included | 1 … * | R | from X Specimen Identified (DYNAMIC) |
 | hl7:specimen
| | 1 … * | R | Required in XD-LAB when more than one specimen is documented at this level. Always required in APSR.
| PaLM Suppl. APSR 2.0‑3: X Specimen identified |
 |  | @typeCode
| cs | 0 … 1 | F | SPC |
 |  | hl7:specimenRole
| | 1 … 1 | M | | PaLM Suppl. APSR 2.0‑3: X Specimen identified |
| cs | 0 … 1 | F | SPEC |
| II | 1 … 1 | R | Specimen ID, coming from the LIS | PaLM Suppl. APSR 2.0‑3: X Specimen identified |
 | hl7:entryRelationship
| | 0 … 1 | C | 5th digit in the morphology code, used only if this digit is deviant from the code list in morphology axis Contains ICD-O-3 Behavior (DYNAMIC) | PaLM Suppl. APSR 2.0‑3: ICD‑O‑3 |
 |  | @typeCode
| cs | 1 … 1 | F | SPRT |
 | hl7:entryRelationship
| | 0 … 1 | R | 6th digit in the morphology code Contains ICD-O-3 Differentiation (DYNAMIC) | PaLM Suppl. APSR 2.0‑3: ICD‑O‑3 |
 |  | @typeCode
| cs | 1 … 1 | F | SPRT |
 | hl7:entryRelationship
| | 0 … 1 | R | optional grading by a scoring system, e.g. by means of the Elston-Ellis-Scoring-System in case of invasive breast cancer (ICD-O C50)
Contains Assessment Scales Observation for Scoring Systems APSR2 (DYNAMIC) | PaLM Suppl. APSR 2.0‑3: ICD‑O‑3 |
 |  | @typeCode
| cs | 1 … 1 | F | COMP |
 | hl7:reference
| | 0 … * | | Contains 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.324 CDA Reference (DYNAMIC) | PaLM Suppl. APSR 2.0‑3: ICD‑O‑3 |