Id | | Effective Date | valid from 2015‑11‑06 14:28:44 |
Status | Draft | Version Label | 2.0 |
Name | TNMserumtumormarker | Display Name | TNM Serum tumor markers |
Description | Template CDA Observation (prototype, directly derived from POCD_RM000040 MIF) |
Context | Parent nodes of template element with id |
Classification | CDA Entry Level Template |
Open/Closed | Open (other than defined elements are allowed) |
Used by / Uses | Used by 0 transactions and 2 templates, Uses 3 templates | Used by | as | Name | Version |
---| | Containment | TNM Stage Observation (2.0) | 2014‑05‑13 15:45:13 | |  | Specimen Procedure Step (1.0) | 2014‑07‑29 16:02:02 | Uses | as | Name | Version |
---| | Containment | CDA author IHE | DYNAMIC | | Containment | CDA Informant(Header&Body) APSR2 (2.0) | DYNAMIC | 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.300 | Containment | CDA Clinical Statement | DYNAMIC |
Relationship | Specialization: template (2014‑05‑14 17:09:54) |
Example | Generated example | <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN" negationInd="false"> <templateId root=""/> <Id root="" extension="--example only--"/> <code code="tnmS" codeSystem=""/> <text/> <statusCode code="completed"/> <effectiveTime> <low value="20170712150818"/> </effectiveTime> <value xsi:type="CD" code="S0" displayName="S0" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.15.6"/> <author> <!-- template 'CDA author IHE' (dynamic) --> </author> <informant> <!-- template 'CDA Informant(Header&Body) APSR2' (dynamic) --> </informant> <entryRelationship typeCode="COMP"> <!-- template 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.300 'CDA Clinical Statement' (dynamic) --> </entryRelationship></observation> |
Item | DT | Card | Conf | Description | Label |
| | 0 … 1 | C | | (TNMseru… |  | @classCode
| cs | 1 … 1 | F | OBS |  | @moodCode
| cs | 1 … 1 | F | EVN |  | @negationInd
| bl | 0 … 1 | | | | Constraint | In case of male testicular tumor only. Information comes from clinical information or from a clinical statement or from ICD-O-3-Topography (C62.0, C62.1, C62.9) and ICD-O-3 Typing (M9061-M9085). |  | hl7:templateId
| II | 1 … 1 | M | | (TNMseru… |  |  | @root
| uid | 1 … 1 | F | |  | hl7:Id
| II | 0 … * | R | | (TNMseru… |  | hl7:code
| CE CWE | 1 … 1 | M | | (TNMseru… |  |  | @codeSystem
| oid | 1 … 1 | F | |  |  | @code
| cs | 1 … 1 | F | tnmS |  | hl7:text
| ED | 0 … 1 | R | | (TNMseru… |  | hl7:statusCode
| CS CNE | 1 … 1 | M | | (TNMseru… | | CONF | The value of @code shall be drawn from value set ActStatusAbortedCompleted (DYNAMIC) |
|  | hl7:effectiveTime
| IVL_TS | 1 … 1 | M | | (TNMseru… |  | hl7:value
| CD CWE | 1 … 1 | R | | (TNMseru… | | CONF | The value of @code shall be drawn from value set UICC Serum Tumor Markers (DYNAMIC) |
|  | hl7:author
| | 0 … * | C | Contains CDA author IHE (DYNAMIC) | (TNMseru… |  | hl7:informant
| | 0 … * | R | Contains CDA Informant(Header&Body) APSR2 (DYNAMIC) | (TNMseru… |  | hl7:entryRelationship
| | 0 … * | C | Information about clinical laboratory values Contains 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.300 CDA Clinical Statement (DYNAMIC) | (TNMseru… |  |  | @typeCode
| cs | 1 … 1 | F | COMP |