
Aus Hl7wiki
Version vom 11. November 2012, 18:52 Uhr von ADbot (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Automated TermBot page content)
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Codesystem Name Codesystem Id Version / Eingangsdatum Status
HL7UpdateMode 2.16.840.1.113883.5.57 2012-07-24 definitiv
Level/Typ Code Anzeigename Beschreibung
0-L R (en-US) Replace

Description:The item existed previously and has (or is to be) revised. (If an item does not already exist, this may be treated as an error condition.)

0-L D (en-US) Remove

Description:The item was (or is to be) removed (sometimes referred to as deleted). If the item is part of a collection, delete any matching items.

0-L K (en-US) Key

Description:This item is part of the identifying information for this object.

0-L U (en-US) Unknown

Description:Description:It is not specified whether or what kind of change has occurred to the item, or whether the item is present as a reference or identifying property.

0-L REF (en-US) Reference

Description:This item provides enough information to allow a processing system to locate the full applicable record by identifying the object.

0-L A (en-US) Add

Description:The item was (or is to be) added, having not been present immediately before. (If it is already present, this may be treated as an error condition.)

0-L AR (en-US) Add or Replace

Description:The item was (or is to be) either added or replaced.

0-L N (en-US) No Change

Description:There was (or is to be) no change to the item. This is primarily used when this element has not changed, but other attributes in the instance have changed.